Fernspäher, in Regenjacke, DOLP

The Fernspähers are part of the. Former German armies did not know the concept of long range reconnaissance. During the Cold War, the commando troop companies were known as Waarneming en Verkennings Companie observation and reconnaissance company , specialized in stay behind and reconnaissance. They patrolled near the Czechoslovakian and East German borders, then members of the Communist states, and in event of war in Europe would be inserted behind enemy lines to provide surveillance and to select targets of opportunity. Hereby, the company was to adopt a supporting role for other branches of the.
Fernspäher, in Regenjacke, DOLP

Army's 5th Special Forces in Nha Trang, Vietnam. These units penetrated Soviet lines and conducted recon and destroy missions. They were trained against the Chinese but used to great success in Pakistan-administered Kashmir and in the northern state of Punjab. The clearly offensive role of this unit, regained and attracted further interest again, only shortly after and during the emerging. Third-party images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Hereby, the company was to adopt a supporting role for other Special Forces branches of the German Armed Forces.
Fernspäher, in Regenjacke, DOLP

Newsfeed The newsfeed doesn't contain any items. However, it was reorganized several times by 1944 when it supported the Allied advance towards Germany and meanwhile got a new commander — Paddy Mayne. He replaced David Stirling who was captured by the Germans in Tunisia in 1943. It was not a paratroop regiment with a number of units like its name suggested but it was intentionally given a misleading name so that the Axis would think that they are dealing with a number of units rather than one commando unit. Thus, the Fernspäher are specially trained and equipped reconnaissance soldiers who cover great distances to gather and fulfill military tasks of high importance.
German KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) LRRP (Fernspäher)
. Former President of Finland, , served in 's specially designed Jäger Company called 'Detachment Törni' in the Finnish 1st Infantry Division. Since satellite communications were a thing of the future, one of the most daring operations of the war was launched by members of the 's, long-range reconnaissance patrol, against the when they seized the name attributed to the peak of , a densely forested 4,879-foot mountain, midway in A Shau Valley, so its 1st and 3rd Brigades, who would be slugging it out hidden deep behind the towering wall of mountains, could communicate with Camp Evans near the coast or with approaching aircraft. This makes them an excellent choice for deployment behind enemy lines, as they can easily shoot down enemy recon helicopters and rapidly disappear back into the safety of forests. Historically, the German Fernspäher units were modelled after the Finnish long-range patrols and derived from the existing elite units of and.
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The first unit of this kind was trained and commanded by Major Konrad Rittmeyer. Their crest and beret insignia displayed an eagle, as the most common symbol of all airborne qualified troops, with a set of lightning bolts in its claws, diving out of the sky, in front of a pair of crossed lances, which are the traditional insignia of German forces. For example, Erillinen Pataljoona 4 4th Detached Battalion , a command of four different long-range patrol detachments; Detachment Paatsalo, Detachment Kuismanen, Detachment Vehniäinen and Detachment Marttina operated throughout the of 1941-44. Secondly, in peace time, it was tasked with the field evaluation and demonstration of new tactics and equipment. This permission can however be obtained subsequently, if the situation would have required immediate action.
Special Forces

When the Special Forces Command was activated in 1996, many of the ranks were filled with personnel from Fernspähkompanie 100 and Fernspähkompanie 300 which disbanded at last. But its best known action was the so-called Operation Nimrod which was carried out during the Iranian Embassy Siege in London in 1980. His concept proved prolific enough to allow the creation of a Fernspäher school in , South Germany. They are good at holding woods against infantry and helicopters either behind enemy lines in ambushes or in defensive positions, but are best used as support for other Special forces or other infiltrated infantry with anti-armour capacity to help against air threats. This topic is categorised under: Figures » Figures, Modern 1946-Now » German Soldiers Modern.
German KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) LRRP (Fernspäher)

Rittmeyer's initial Fernspäh company, back in the day simply designated as Lehrgruppe R Training Group R , quickly reflagged as Fernspählehrkompanie 200. India is considered a long-range reconnaissance patrol or pathfinder. The Finnish Army developed the concept separately during the of 1941-44. Prior to the year 2007, the long range reconnaissance branch of service Fernspähtruppe was an independently acting formation within the. Sri Lanka Main article: Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols of the Armed forces of Sri Lanka have played a notable role in Sri Lanka's multi-phase military campaign against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The Army had disbanded Ranger units after Korea, but kept , on the premise that spreading Ranger School graduates throughout the Army would improve overall performance. If you don't receive flair after a few days feel free to message the mods.

The overall-strength amounts to more than 220 troops. They were the only Ranger units to remain on active duty at the end of the Vietnam War and they continued in service until November 1974 when they were disbanded with most of their personnel forming the core of the new 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions. Sidearms have included the and universal self-loading pistols. Note: Enlisted Personnel, please contact the mods for flair. Fernspäher is an old term for elite troopers, relating to the word fern long range, distance and the word Späher scout. Reposting of my blog images is acceptable with written permission from myself and a courtesy link back to this blog. It has also been described as a deep reconnaissance company.
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Originally, there were three companies of Fernspäher in the Bundeswehr, one being assigned to each corps. The concept of scouts date back to the origins of warfare itself, however, in modern times these specialized units evolved from examples such as the and in the and and similar units such as in the Far East during the Second World War. I will not be responsible for copyright issues nor infringement thereof for third-party images I post on my blog. It was split in two, creating a new group of airborne special forces, , but remains today as a part of the concept. Check out for high quality images of police officers and equipment.
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